Source code for GraphRicciCurvature.OllivierRicci

A class to compute the Ollivier-Ricci curvature of a given NetworkX graph.

# Author:
#     Chien-Chun Ni

# Reference:
#     Ni, C.-C., Lin, Y.-Y., Gao, J., Gu, X., & Saucan, E. 2015.
#         "Ricci curvature of the Internet topology" (Vol. 26, pp. 2758-2766).
#         Presented at the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), IEEE.
#     Ni, C.-C., Lin, Y.-Y., Gao, J., and Gu, X. 2018.
#         "Network Alignment by Discrete Ollivier-Ricci Flow", Graph Drawing 2018.
#     Ni, C.-C., Lin, Y.-Y., Luo, F. and Gao, J. 2019.
#         "Community Detection on Networks with Ricci Flow", Scientific Reports.
#     Ollivier, Y. 2009.
#         "Ricci curvature of Markov chains on metric spaces". Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(3), 810-864.

import heapq
import importlib
import math
import time
from functools import lru_cache
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import cvxpy as cvx
import networkit as nk
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import ot

from .util import logger, set_verbose

EPSILON = 1e-7  # to prevent divided by zero

# ---Shared global variables for multiprocessing used.---
_Gk = nk.graph.Graph()
_alpha = 0.5
_weight = "weight"
_method = "Sinkhorn"
_base = math.e
_exp_power = 2
_proc = cpu_count()
_cache_maxsize = 1000000
_shortest_path = "all_pairs"
_nbr_topk = 1000
_apsp = {}

# -------------------------------------------------------

def _get_single_node_neighbors_distributions(node, direction="successors"):
    """Get the neighbor density distribution of given node `node`.

    node : int
        Node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    direction : {"predecessors", "successors"}
        Direction of neighbors in directed graph. (Default value: "successors")

    distributions : lists of float
        Density distributions of neighbors up to top `_nbr_topk` nodes.
    nbrs : lists of int
        Neighbor index up to top `_nbr_topk` nodes.

    if _Gk.isDirected():
        if direction == "predecessors":
            neighbors = _Gk.inNeighbors(node)
        else:  # successors
            neighbors = _Gk.neighbors(node)
        neighbors = _Gk.neighbors(node)

    # Get sum of distributions from x's all neighbors
    heap_weight_node_pair = []
    if direction == "predecessors":
        for nbr in neighbors:
            w = _base ** (-_Gk.weight(nbr, node) ** _exp_power)
            if len(heap_weight_node_pair) < _nbr_topk:
                heapq.heappush(heap_weight_node_pair, (w, nbr))
                heapq.heappushpop(heap_weight_node_pair, (w, nbr))
    else:  # successors
        for nbr in neighbors:
            w = _base ** (-_Gk.weight(node, nbr) ** _exp_power)
            if len(heap_weight_node_pair) < _nbr_topk:
                heapq.heappush(heap_weight_node_pair, (w, nbr))
                heapq.heappushpop(heap_weight_node_pair, (w, nbr))

    nbr_edge_weight_sum = sum([x[0] for x in heap_weight_node_pair])

    if nbr_edge_weight_sum > EPSILON:
        # Sum need to be not too small to prevent divided by zero
        distributions = [(1.0 - _alpha) * w / nbr_edge_weight_sum for w, _ in heap_weight_node_pair]
        nbr = [x[1] for x in heap_weight_node_pair]
        return distributions + [_alpha], nbr + [node]
    elif len(neighbors) == 0:
        # No neighbor, all mass stay at node
        return [1], [node]
        logger.warning("Neighbor weight sum too small, list:", heap_weight_node_pair)
        distributions = [(1.0 - _alpha) / len(heap_weight_node_pair)] * len(heap_weight_node_pair)
        nbr = [x[1] for x in heap_weight_node_pair]
        return distributions + [_alpha], nbr + [node]

def _distribute_densities(source, target):
    """Get the density distributions of source and target node, and the cost (all pair shortest paths) between
    all source's and target's neighbors. Notice that only neighbors with top `_nbr_topk` edge weights.

    source : int
        Source node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    target : int
        Target node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    x : (m,) numpy.ndarray
        Source's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    y : (n,) numpy.ndarray
        Target's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    d : (m, n) numpy.ndarray
        Shortest path matrix.


    # Distribute densities for source and source's neighbors as x
    t0 = time.time()

    if _Gk.isDirected():
        x, source_topknbr = _get_single_node_neighbors_distributions(source, "predecessors")
        x, source_topknbr = _get_single_node_neighbors_distributions(source, "successors")

    # Distribute densities for target and target's neighbors as y
    y, target_topknbr = _get_single_node_neighbors_distributions(target, "successors")

    logger.debug("%8f secs density distribution for edge." % (time.time() - t0))

    # construct the cost dictionary from x to y
    t0 = time.time()

    if _shortest_path == "pairwise":
        d = []
        for src in source_topknbr:
            tmp = []
            for tgt in target_topknbr:
                tmp.append(_source_target_shortest_path(src, tgt))
        d = np.array(d)
    else:   # all_pairs
        d = _apsp[np.ix_(source_topknbr, target_topknbr)]   # transportation matrix

    x = np.array([x]).T  # the mass that source neighborhood initially owned
    y = np.array([y]).T  # the mass that target neighborhood needs to received

    logger.debug("%8f secs density matrix construction for edge." % (time.time() - t0))

    return x, y, d

def _source_target_shortest_path(source, target):
    """Compute pairwise shortest path from `source` to `target` by BidirectionalDijkstra via Networkit.

    source : int
        Source node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    target : int
        Target node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.

    length : float
        Pairwise shortest path length.


    length = nk.distance.BidirectionalDijkstra(_Gk, source, target).run().getDistance()
    assert length < 1e300, "Shortest path between %d, %d is not found" % (source, target)
    return length

def _get_all_pairs_shortest_path():
    """Pre-compute all pairs shortest paths of the assigned graph `_Gk`.""""Start to compute all pair shortest path.")

    global _Gk

    t0 = time.time()
    apsp = nk.distance.APSP(_Gk).run().getDistances()"%8f secs for all pair by NetworKit." % (time.time() - t0))

    return np.array(apsp)

def _optimal_transportation_distance(x, y, d):
    """Compute the optimal transportation distance (OTD) of the given density distributions by CVXPY.

    x : (m,) numpy.ndarray
        Source's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    y : (n,) numpy.ndarray
        Target's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    d : (m, n) numpy.ndarray
        Shortest path matrix.

    m : float
        Optimal transportation distance.


    t0 = time.time()
    rho = cvx.Variable((len(y), len(x)))  # the transportation plan rho

    # objective function d(x,y) * rho * x, need to do element-wise multiply here
    obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(np.multiply(d.T, x.T), rho)))

    # \sigma_i rho_{ij}=[1,1,...,1]
    source_sum = cvx.sum(rho, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    constrains = [rho * x == y, source_sum == np.ones((1, (len(x)))), 0 <= rho, rho <= 1]
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constrains)

    m = prob.solve(solver="ECOS_BB")  # change solver here if you want
    # solve for optimal transportation cost

    logger.debug("%8f secs for cvxpy. \t#source_nbr: %d, #target_nbr: %d" % (time.time() - t0, len(x), len(y)))

    return m

def _sinkhorn_distance(x, y, d):
    """Compute the approximate optimal transportation distance (Sinkhorn distance) of the given density distributions.

    x : (m,) numpy.ndarray
        Source's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    y : (n,) numpy.ndarray
        Target's density distributions, includes source and source's neighbors.
    d : (m, n) numpy.ndarray
        Shortest path matrix.

    m : float
        Sinkhorn distance, an approximate optimal transportation distance.

    t0 = time.time()
    m = ot.sinkhorn2(x, y, d, 1e-1, method='sinkhorn')[0]
        "%8f secs for Sinkhorn. dist. \t#source_nbr: %d, #target_nbr: %d" % (time.time() - t0, len(x), len(y)))

    return m

def _average_transportation_distance(source, target):
    """Compute the average transportation distance (ATD) of the given density distributions.

    source : int
        Source node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    target : int
        Target node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.

    m : float
        Average transportation distance.


    t0 = time.time()
    if _Gk.isDirected():
        source_nbr = _Gk.inNeighbors(source)
        source_nbr = _Gk.neighbors(source)
    target_nbr = _Gk.neighbors(target)

    share = (1.0 - _alpha) / (len(source_nbr) * len(target_nbr))
    cost_nbr = 0
    cost_self = _alpha * _apsp[source][target]

    for src in source_nbr:
        for tgt in target_nbr:
            cost_nbr += _apsp[src][tgt] * share

    m = cost_nbr + cost_self  # Average transportation cost

    logger.debug("%8f secs for avg trans. dist. \t#source_nbr: %d, #target_nbr: %d" % (time.time() - t0,
    return m

def _compute_ricci_curvature_single_edge(source, target):
    """Ricci curvature computation for a given single edge.

    source : int
        Source node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.
    target : int
        Target node index in Networkit graph `_Gk`.

    result : dict[(int,int), float]
        The Ricci curvature of given edge in dict format. E.g.: {(node1, node2): ricciCurvature}

    # print("EDGE:%s,%s"%(source,target))
    assert source != target, "Self loop is not allowed."  # to prevent self loop

    # If the weight of edge is too small, return 0 instead.
    if _Gk.weight(source, target) < EPSILON:
        logger.warning("Zero weight edge detected for edge (%s,%s), return Ricci Curvature as 0 instead." %
                       (source, target))
        return {(source, target): 0}

    # compute transportation distance
    m = 1  # assign an initial cost
    assert _method in ["OTD", "ATD", "Sinkhorn"], \
        'Method %s not found, support method:["OTD", "ATD", "Sinkhorn"]' % _method
    if _method == "OTD":
        x, y, d = _distribute_densities(source, target)
        m = _optimal_transportation_distance(x, y, d)
    elif _method == "ATD":
        m = _average_transportation_distance(source, target)
    elif _method == "Sinkhorn":
        x, y, d = _distribute_densities(source, target)
        m = _sinkhorn_distance(x, y, d)

    # compute Ricci curvature: k=1-(m_{x,y})/d(x,y)
    result = 1 - (m / _Gk.weight(source, target))  # Divided by the length of d(i, j)
    logger.debug("Ricci curvature (%s,%s) = %f" % (source, target, result))

    return {(source, target): result}

def _wrap_compute_single_edge(stuff):
    """Wrapper for args in multiprocessing."""
    return _compute_ricci_curvature_single_edge(*stuff)

def _compute_ricci_curvature_edges(G: nx.Graph, weight="weight", edge_list=[],
                                   alpha=0.5, method="OTD",
                                   base=math.e, exp_power=2, proc=cpu_count(), chunksize=None, cache_maxsize=1000000,
                                   shortest_path="all_pairs", nbr_topk=1000):
    """Compute Ricci curvature for edges in  given edge lists.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A given directional or undirectional NetworkX graph.
    weight : str
        The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. (Default value = "weight")
    edge_list : list of edges
        The list of edges to compute Ricci curvature, set to [] to run for all edges in G. (Default value = [])
    alpha : float
        The parameter for the discrete Ricci curvature, range from 0 ~ 1.
        It means the share of mass to leave on the original node.
        E.g. x -> y, alpha = 0.4 means 0.4 for x, 0.6 to evenly spread to x's nbr.
        (Default value = 0.5)
    method : {"OTD", "ATD", "Sinkhorn"}
        The optimal transportation distance computation method. (Default value = "OTD")

        Transportation method:
            - "OTD" for Optimal Transportation Distance,
            - "ATD" for Average Transportation Distance.
            - "Sinkhorn" for OTD approximated Sinkhorn distance.
    base : float
        Base variable for weight distribution. (Default value = `math.e`)
    exp_power : float
        Exponential power for weight distribution. (Default value = 0)
    proc : int
        Number of processor used for multiprocessing. (Default value = `cpu_count()`)
    chunksize : int
        Chunk size for multiprocessing, set None for auto decide. (Default value = `None`)
    cache_maxsize : int
        Max size for LRU cache for pairwise shortest path computation.
        Set this to `None` for unlimited cache. (Default value = 1000000)
    shortest_path : {"all_pairs","pairwise"}
        Method to compute shortest path. (Default value = `all_pairs`)
    nbr_topk : int
        Only take the top k edge weight neighbors for density distribution.
        Smaller k run faster but the result is less accurate. (Default value = 1000)

    output : dict[(int,int), float]
        A dictionary of edge Ricci curvature. E.g.: {(node1, node2): ricciCurvature}.

    """"Number of nodes: %d" % G.number_of_nodes())"Number of edges: %d" % G.number_of_edges())

    if not nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight):
        print('Edge weight not detected in graph, use "weight" as default edge weight.')
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] = 1.0

    # ---set to global variable for multiprocessing used.---
    global _Gk
    global _alpha
    global _weight
    global _method
    global _base
    global _exp_power
    global _proc
    global _cache_maxsize
    global _shortest_path
    global _nbr_topk
    global _apsp
    # -------------------------------------------------------

    _Gk = nk.nxadapter.nx2nk(G, weightAttr=weight)
    _alpha = alpha
    _weight = weight
    _method = method
    _base = base
    _exp_power = exp_power
    _proc = proc
    _cache_maxsize = cache_maxsize
    _shortest_path = shortest_path
    _nbr_topk = nbr_topk

    # Construct nx to nk dictionary
    nx2nk_ndict, nk2nx_ndict = {}, {}
    for idx, n in enumerate(G.nodes()):
        nx2nk_ndict[n] = idx
        nk2nx_ndict[idx] = n

    if _shortest_path == "all_pairs":
        # Construct the all pair shortest path dictionary
        # if not _apsp:
        _apsp = _get_all_pairs_shortest_path()

    if edge_list:
        args = [(nx2nk_ndict[source], nx2nk_ndict[target]) for source, target in edge_list]
        args = [(nx2nk_ndict[source], nx2nk_ndict[target]) for source, target in G.edges()]

    # Start compute edge Ricci curvature
    t0 = time.time()

    p = Pool(processes=_proc)

    # Decide chunksize following method in map_async
    if chunksize is None:
        chunksize, extra = divmod(len(args), proc * 4)
        if extra:
            chunksize += 1

    # Compute Ricci curvature for edges
    result = p.imap_unordered(_wrap_compute_single_edge, args, chunksize=chunksize)

    # Convert edge index from nk back to nx for final output
    output = {}
    for rc in result:
        for k in list(rc.keys()):
            output[(nk2nx_ndict[k[0]], nk2nx_ndict[k[1]])] = rc[k]"%8f secs for Ricci curvature computation." % (time.time() - t0))

    return output

def _compute_ricci_curvature(G: nx.Graph, weight="weight", **kwargs):
    """Compute Ricci curvature of edges and nodes.
    The node Ricci curvature is defined as the average of node's adjacency edges.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A given directional or undirectional NetworkX graph.
    weight : str
        The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. (Default value = "weight")
        Additional keyword arguments passed to `_compute_ricci_curvature_edges`.

    G: NetworkX graph
        A NetworkX graph with "ricciCurvature" on nodes and edges.

    if not nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight):
        print('Edge weight not detected in graph, use "weight" as default edge weight.')
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] = 1.0

    # compute Ricci curvature for all edges
    edge_ricci = _compute_ricci_curvature_edges(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

    # Assign edge Ricci curvature from result to graph G
    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, edge_ricci, "ricciCurvature")

    # Compute node Ricci curvature
    for n in G.nodes():
        rc_sum = 0  # sum of the neighbor Ricci curvature
        if != 0:
            for nbr in G.neighbors(n):
                if 'ricciCurvature' in G[n][nbr]:
                    rc_sum += G[n][nbr]['ricciCurvature']

            # Assign the node Ricci curvature to be the average of node's adjacency edges
            G.nodes[n]['ricciCurvature'] = rc_sum /
            logger.debug("node %s, Ricci Curvature = %f" % (n, G.nodes[n]['ricciCurvature']))

    return G

def _compute_ricci_flow(G: nx.Graph, weight="weight",
                        iterations=100, step=1, delta=1e-4, surgery=(lambda G, *args, **kwargs: G, 100),
    """Compute the given Ricci flow metric of each edge of a given connected NetworkX graph.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A given directional or undirectional NetworkX graph.
    weight : str
        The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. (Default value = "weight")
    iterations : int
        Iterations to require Ricci flow metric. (Default value = 100)
    step : float
        step size for gradient decent process. (Default value = 1)
    delta : float
        process stop when difference of Ricci curvature is within delta. (Default value = 1e-4)
    surgery : (function, int)
        A tuple of user define surgery function that will execute every certain iterations.
        (Default value = (lambda G, *args, **kwargs: G, 100))
        Additional keyword arguments passed to `_compute_ricci_curvature`.

    G: NetworkX graph
        A NetworkX graph with ``weight`` as Ricci flow metric.

    if not nx.is_connected(G):
        logger.warning("Not connected graph detected, compute on the largest connected component instead.")
        G = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(G), key=len)))

    # Set normalized weight to be the number of edges.
    normalized_weight = float(G.number_of_edges())

    global _apsp

    # Start compute edge Ricci flow
    t0 = time.time()

    if nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "original_RC"):
        logger.warning("original_RC detected, continue to refine the ricci flow.")
        _compute_ricci_curvature(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2]["original_RC"] = G[v1][v2]["ricciCurvature"]

        # clear the APSP since the graph have changed.
        _apsp = {}

    # Start the Ricci flow process
    for i in range(iterations):
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] -= step * (G[v1][v2]["ricciCurvature"]) * G[v1][v2][weight]

        # Do normalization on all weight to prevent weight expand to infinity
        w = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight)
        sumw = sum(w.values())
        for k, v in w.items():
            w[k] = w[k] * (normalized_weight / sumw)
        nx.set_edge_attributes(G, values=w, name=weight)" === Ricci flow iteration %d === " % i)

        _compute_ricci_curvature(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

        rc = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "ricciCurvature")
        diff = max(rc.values()) - min(rc.values())"Ricci curvature difference: %f" % diff)"max:%f, min:%f | maxw:%f, minw:%f" % (
            max(rc.values()), min(rc.values()), max(w.values()), min(w.values())))

        if diff < delta:
  "Ricci curvature converged, process terminated.")

        # do surgery or any specific evaluation
        surgery_func, do_surgery = surgery
        if i != 0 and i % do_surgery == 0:
            G = surgery_func(G, weight)
            normalized_weight = float(G.number_of_edges())

        for n1, n2 in G.edges():
            logger.debug("%s %s %s" % (n1, n2, G[n1][n2]))

        # clear the APSP since the graph have changed.
        _apsp = {}"\n%8f secs for Ricci flow computation." % (time.time() - t0))

    return G

[docs]class OllivierRicci: """A class to compute Ollivier-Ricci curvature for all nodes and edges in G. Node Ricci curvature is defined as the average of all it's adjacency edge. """
[docs] def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, weight="weight", alpha=0.5, method="OTD", base=math.e, exp_power=2, proc=cpu_count(), chunksize=None, shortest_path="all_pairs", cache_maxsize=1000000, nbr_topk=1000, verbose="ERROR"): """Initialized a container to compute Ollivier-Ricci curvature/flow. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph A given directional or undirectional NetworkX graph. weight : str The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. (Default value = "weight") edge_list : list of edges The list of edges to compute Ricci curvature, set to [] to run for all edges in G. (Default value = []) alpha : float The parameter for the discrete Ricci curvature, range from 0 ~ 1. It means the share of mass to leave on the original node. E.g. x -> y, alpha = 0.4 means 0.4 for x, 0.6 to evenly spread to x's nbr. (Default value = 0.5) method : {"OTD", "ATD", "Sinkhorn"} The optimal transportation distance computation method. (Default value = "OTD") Transportation method: - "OTD" for Optimal Transportation Distance, - "ATD" for Average Transportation Distance. - "Sinkhorn" for OTD approximated Sinkhorn distance. base : float Base variable for weight distribution. (Default value = `math.e`) exp_power : float Exponential power for weight distribution. (Default value = 0) proc : int Number of processor used for multiprocessing. (Default value = `cpu_count()`) chunksize : int Chunk size for multiprocessing, set None for auto decide. (Default value = `None`) shortest_path : {"all_pairs","pairwise"} Method to compute shortest path. (Default value = `all_pairs`) cache_maxsize : int Max size for LRU cache for pairwise shortest path computation. Set this to `None` for unlimited cache. (Default value = 1000000) nbr_topk : int Only take the top k edge weight neighbors for density distribution. Smaller k run faster but the result is less accurate. (Default value = 1000) verbose : {"INFO","DEBUG","ERROR"} Verbose level. (Default value = "ERROR") - "INFO": show only iteration process log. - "DEBUG": show all output logs. - "ERROR": only show log if error happened. """ self.G = G.copy() self.alpha = alpha self.weight = weight self.method = method self.base = base self.exp_power = exp_power self.proc = proc self.chunksize = chunksize self.cache_maxsize = cache_maxsize self.shortest_path = shortest_path self.nbr_topk = nbr_topk self.set_verbose(verbose) self.lengths = {} # all pair shortest path dictionary self.densities = {} # density distribution dictionary assert importlib.util.find_spec("ot"), \ "Package POT: Python Optimal Transport is required for Sinkhorn distance."
[docs] def set_verbose(self, verbose): """Set the verbose level for this process. Parameters ---------- verbose: {"INFO","DEBUG","ERROR"} Verbose level. (Default value = "ERROR") - "INFO": show only iteration process log. - "DEBUG": show all output logs. - "ERROR": only show log if error happened. """ set_verbose(verbose)
[docs] def compute_ricci_curvature_edges(self, edge_list=None): """Compute Ricci curvature for edges in given edge lists. Parameters ---------- edge_list : list of edges The list of edges to compute Ricci curvature, set to [] to run for all edges in G. (Default value = []) Returns ------- output : dict[(int,int), float] A dictionary of edge Ricci curvature. E.g.: {(node1, node2): ricciCurvature}. """ return _compute_ricci_curvature_edges(G=self.G, weight=self.weight, edge_list=edge_list, alpha=self.alpha, method=self.method, base=self.base, exp_power=self.exp_power, proc=self.proc, chunksize=self.chunksize, cache_maxsize=self.cache_maxsize, shortest_path=self.shortest_path, nbr_topk=self.nbr_topk)
[docs] def compute_ricci_curvature(self): """Compute Ricci curvature of edges and nodes. The node Ricci curvature is defined as the average of node's adjacency edges. Returns ------- G: NetworkX graph A NetworkX graph with "ricciCurvature" on nodes and edges. Examples -------- To compute the Ollivier-Ricci curvature for karate club graph:: >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> orc = OllivierRicci(G, alpha=0.5, verbose="INFO") >>> orc.compute_ricci_curvature() >>> orc.G[0][1] {'weight': 1.0, 'ricciCurvature': 0.11111111071683011} """ self.G = _compute_ricci_curvature(G=self.G, weight=self.weight, alpha=self.alpha, method=self.method, base=self.base, exp_power=self.exp_power, proc=self.proc, chunksize=self.chunksize, cache_maxsize=self.cache_maxsize, shortest_path=self.shortest_path, nbr_topk=self.nbr_topk) return self.G
[docs] def compute_ricci_flow(self, iterations=10, step=1, delta=1e-4, surgery=(lambda G, *args, **kwargs: G, 100)): """Compute the given Ricci flow metric of each edge of a given connected NetworkX graph. Parameters ---------- iterations : int Iterations to require Ricci flow metric. (Default value = 100) step : float step size for gradient decent process. (Default value = 1) delta : float process stop when difference of Ricci curvature is within delta. (Default value = 1e-4) surgery : (function, int) A tuple of user define surgery function that will execute every certain iterations. (Default value = (lambda G, *args, **kwargs: G, 100)) Returns ------- G: NetworkX graph A NetworkX graph with ``weight`` as Ricci flow metric. Examples -------- To compute the Ollivier-Ricci flow for karate club graph:: >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> orc_OTD = OllivierRicci(G, alpha=0.5, method="OTD", verbose="INFO") >>> orc_OTD.compute_ricci_flow(iterations=10) >>> orc_OTD.G[0][1] {'weight': 0.06399135316908759, 'ricciCurvature': 0.18608249978652802, 'original_RC': 0.11111111071683011} """ self.G = _compute_ricci_flow(G=self.G, weight=self.weight, iterations=iterations, step=step, delta=delta, surgery=surgery, alpha=self.alpha, method=self.method, base=self.base, exp_power=self.exp_power, proc=self.proc, chunksize=self.chunksize, cache_maxsize=self.cache_maxsize, shortest_path=self.shortest_path, nbr_topk=self.nbr_topk) return self.G